
Dream to Make Believe

I could no longer remember any of my dreams and it irritated me. I learned to lucid dream years ago so I could control myself in my dream world. It seemed like the only thing that I had any control over in my life, but alas it was quickly added to the growing list of things that I could no longer control.
Life is automatic. Everyday the only thing I have to do is pry myself out of bed and on to my feet to make coffee and after that my auto pilot switches on and it’s smooth sailing. Go to school, go to work, do homework, shower, go to bed, then wake up to live the whole routine over again. It is unbearably mundane and now that my dreams are no longer there to get me through the few and far between moments of my life where my mind can wander, it was even worse. I feel lost. I don’t even feel human. I rolled out of bed like usual and stumbled to the coffee machine to begin my day, if I can even call it mine anymore. All I want is something to escape this. Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

October  31st

The worst of the storm was just beginning. The French Quarter was flooding fast. There were already massive amounts of water pooling in the streets. They knew they needed to leave quickly or the last train would have left. They raided a vacated house with Cal before he set out on his own path. He said he was tired of the costal atmosphere and longed for the cold solidarity of Alaska. Scarlett actually cried when he left again. Viktor took her hand and led her towards the train station. They repacked their things in an alley way two blocks out from the station. They left all clothes they had owned and replaced them with the ones from the home they had raided. One bag of clothes and one bag of tools was all they took. Anything that wasn’t essential to their survival or someone else’s demise was left behind. The wind was gusting and it blew Scarlett’s hair around her face and into Viktor’s.  He got a hint of sweet orange and smiled. Her scent was delicious to him. He took her hand as they boarded the platform. They were the last to arrive to depart. He helped her board the train as he handed their tickets to the conductor.
“Welcome aboard Mr. and Mrs. LeBeau. You’re suite is in the fifth car.” Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

October 30th

It couldn’t have worked out any better than planned. In fact it seemed like the forces were on their side. Nothing went wrong and everything was better than they could have expected. The storm was getting fierce but it didn’t keep the local partiers away nor did it keep the tourists away. It was less than usual but still plenty. Scarlet was bait and Viktor was the captor. Any overly drunk, unsuspecting scumbag that bit the bait was reeled in. They followed Flow’s rules for victims even though Viktor was still somewhat unwilling. Scarlett’s idea had been to say the least, ideal. Once all the kinks were worked out, Scarlett and Viktor were and unstoppable team. It was nearing four in the morning when they decided to call it quits after one more. They were smoking on the street surveying victims when someone volunteered. They were hanging out at Lafiett’s having a weak drink when it happened. They were seated at a small table right by the street when they first heard the voice. Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

September 13th

The storm that started that night in August continued at a constant rate with a slight increase in intensity over the first few weeks in September. It had been dry enough all summer that the constant rain had yet to cause any real concern throughout the quarter yet everyone was taking small precautions in case the clouds decided to simply open up and drown them. Scarlett and Viktor were the only ones left around. Evey and Rick were gone, Cal never came back, and there were no traces of anyone they had met through Flow. It was eerily quiet throughout the Quarter. The court of two sisters was hardly ever open because it’s awfully hard to open a mainly patio establishment in the rain, Aunt Tiki’s was closed indefinitely since Dave left and essentially ran the place alone, even the dungeon was a ghost town. No one seemed to want to be out and about. Everyone simply moved throughout their days without incident.
Scarlett and Viktor were getting anxious. Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

August 5th

That morning after Viktor had left, Scarlett was getting ready for work when there was a knock at her door. She allowed entrance to her visitor who turned out to be Bruce. He looked older than usual and was not his normal joking self. He paced the doorway without entering for over a minute before Scarlett realized that something was very wrong.
“What’s up boss?” She said in her normal playful tone. She always liked Bruce and didn’t want him to be upset. He looked at her for a long silence and then dropped to his knees and broke down into tears.
“She’s gone.” He sobbed.  “There’s nothing left for me now.” Read the rest of this entry »


Ian McKellan likes big butts. Well, sort of.

An outstanding and dramatic impersonation of Sir Ian McKellan talking about big butts and how he cannot lie.


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

August 1st

Everything in the world seemed to have gone crazy. Scarlett and Viktor had recovered quickly and with the help of Launa and Flow and were sent home equipped for their endeavors for quite a while. When Scarlett had asked why she was being so generous, Flow explained how her, Audrianna, and Ms. Launa were all going to take an extended vacation with the intentions of “educating” some of the more primitive tribes of people back in their homeland. Viktor had no idea what that meant but Scarlett was pretty sure Flow would be coming back with a hefty body count that consisted of mainly males but she simply smiled and kissed Flow on each cheek. Audrianna hugged her a little too tightly and bowed with a great laugh while Scarlett rolled her eyes. It seemed like everyone was okay with their present places in life; everyone was perfectly happy in their world. In the rest of the world however, everything was chaos. The New Orleans police were baffled by an extreme increase in missing persons reports and unidentified bodies that kept showing up all over the quarter. They were nobodies and wanted criminals so hardly anyone complained or raised their voice. Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

July 20th

It was still black when Viktor opened his eyes. He could only see the outlines of furniture and a faint glow coming from opposite ends of the room. His head hurt terribly but he managed to sit up. He leaned back without thinking and was luckily caught by a velvet backing. He groaned as he tried to stand. Every muscle in his body felt like it was frozen solid. He sat back down gasping for air. His chest felt full of fire and he tried to focus his eyes as a light filled the room. Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

July 18th

“This couldn’t be happening again.” Scarlett thought as she sat silent in the corner of the warehouse. She didn’t know what went wrong or when, but Viktor was not where he was supposed to be and Scarlett was badly injured. It was her job to lure the two men to the warehouse where Viktor was supposed to be waiting with two women. They decided to get all the rage out of their systems and take one of each sex, but Viktor nor the two women were there. Scarlett could hear the echoing of her victims’ shoes on the cement floor. The toxin Flow had given her had run out and she hadn’t thought she needed more than she brought. She had plenty more in the box at home, but that did her no good. It was like Samuel all over again, only now there were two and they weren’t anywhere near the inside of a furnace. She sat holding her eye. One of the men, Blair, had come to consciousness much too soon and caught Scarlett off guard. He hit her across the face with a piece of rebar and it split her scar open perfectly. She was bleeding profusely and she couldn’t see out of her left eye. She was convinced Viktor set her up and decided it was time to fight. She wiped the blood off her face as much as she could and stepped out from behind the crates. Blair and Doug were at the other end of the warehouse. She picked up two loose pieces of rebar on the floor. She crept as quietly as she could around the crates until she was just behind them. She raised her arms to strike and then everything went black and she felt herself falling to the floor.     Read the rest of this entry »


L is for Love (A Serial Killer Story)

July 4th

It had been a very interesting few months. New Orleans seemed to go silent and it was deafening to anyone who was paying attention. Scarlett was worried about Flow, who still wasn’t back yet and Viktor had seen the worry on Ms. Launa’s face in the past few weeks as well. Viktor was more worried about Cal, who also had yet to return as well. Neither Scarlett nor Viktor thought he would have stayed away so long. Read the rest of this entry »

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