
Burn A Book, Save A Library! An important Lesson in Reverse Psychology and Voter Responsibility

I came upon this story today about a backlash that began in Troy, MI and reverberated through all known channels of media, causing Americans, politicians and even major networks and political satirists to weigh in and speak vehemently out about the sanctity of books and public access to education and express their outrage at such an incomprehensible campaign to burn them.

This vigilante Book Burning group lit up the political scene in Troy in  response to a heavily-funded Tea Party misdirection-tactic that they felt was essentially serving to misguide voters about an issue on the ballot to save the public library by instead making it appear to be an unjustified or unworthy tax hike. Citizens heard the cry from the Tea Party to “Vote No!”  to a tax increase and were led to believe that a “No” vote was for the greater good and would keep the government out of our pockets but it occurred to almost no one that the crux of this particular issue had been omitted. To this smug misappropriation of facts, an uprising of activists launched their Book Burners scheme to actually save the  library in Troy, MI.

To garner taxpayer support to the tune of a .07% increase and rally against the Tea Party to save the local public library in advance of the impending vote,  this group plastered the city of Troy with fliers stating:


In ludicrous numbers, citizens angrily banded together across a variety of social media to throttle this book burning group. A book burning??!??  It’s an outrage! such callous disregard for literary works and the very staple of education!

Little did they know, citizens in Troy and across the nation were reacting,  as we mere humans are apt to, with a knee-jerk,  emotionally-charged response before educating themselves on the specifics of a topic and were willingly herding themselves like uninformed cattle to the forefront of their ‘issue’. In this case, thank goodness these little sheep stayed true to form; the book burning group masterminded an epic reversal in thinking and rammed a healthy dose of their own medicine down the Tea Party’s throats.

The idea of tax hikes causes voters (and even those annoying non-voters) to instantly bristle and in this case, most people had no idea (nor took the time to learn) that the initiative on the ballot was for a nominal increase to keep the library and it’s community programs alive and wasn’t quite the tax hike the Tea Party campaign aimed to persuade them it was. The underlying beneficiary, namely the library, was barely mentioned by them, if at all.

By employing a brilliant marketing and psychological strategy, this savvy group of book lovers and proponents of supporting public access to education taught the Tea Party and the average American, at that,  an excellent tactical lesson by taking an if-you-can’t beat-join-’em attitude and successfully helped educate the community in spite of themselves in a most creative way as to what they were actually voting to achieve if, in fact, they voted ‘No’. See for yourself:

The result was, people were shocked and caught shame-faced when the truth was realized and sheepishly acknowledged their culpability in jumping on a tax-abolishing bandwagon, headed they knew not where , and admitted that they nearly voted for the demise of what, Read the rest of this entry »


Defining Freedom

“The time has come!” the walrus said, “to talk of many things!”

Only we aren’t talking about shoes and ships and sealing wax or cabbages or kings. The only topics floating around now are voyage related: tires, gas, supplies, and goodbyes have all been checked off the list. Now the only thing left is to hit the road and we plan to hit it running.

Job offers linger from Colorado at a Renaissance fair, to Washington doing landscaping, but right now the only thing on our minds is peace and quiet. After a few years working diligently (neither one of us ever took a vacation) at Turtle Mountain Brewing Company, we finally bid farewell to our families and cohorts in the area.

We were pleasantly surprised when gifts began to pile up to help us on this journey; gas money, a generator, day packs and fishing gear all fell into our laps from the hands of  others wanting to be a part of ‘Mia and Jeremy’s Voyage’. Tears fell, hands shook and hugs held just a little bit longer with every goodbye we made.

I found out just how hard it can truly be to say goodbye to your parents, however the thought of the smiles on their faces when I return to visit reminds me that they, and I, will be just fine. Jeremy wiped away my tears and took my hand, swearing to hold it whenever I need it. With beaming smiles on our faces we grabbed some last minute supplies and waved goodbye to New Mexico forever.

The plan now is to go everywhere… slowly. Song and movie quotes flow through our minds: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it,” “today is the day your life will surely change,” but the most famous phrase we keep remembering and telling each other is “I love you.”

Cliche as it may be, gas and money are truly not the only things that are powering this journey. Love, dreams, and a whole lot of patience have gone into making this dream of living an inspired life a reality and those same things will keep us going. With no chains to bind us, today Jeremy and I will truly know what it means to define freedom.

“The world is an open book. Those who do not travel only read one page.”



Editor’s Note:  Keep up with the adventure as Mia and Jeremy take to the road and define freedom.  

Mia and Jeremy have the stuff to make it but everyone needs a little help from a friend sometimes.  Show your support of this dynamic duo by making a contribution to keep them safe on the road as they share their story with us.  

Donate any amount to Moya’s Journey and if there is a token or small souvenir you’d like from their travel destinations, be sure to include a note and a mailing address and Mia & Jeremy will send it to you!  

If you’ve ever imagined living such an inspired life and you believe in following your dreams and sharing life with someone you love, wherever it takes you,  be brave like Mia & Jeremy and do it! Until you gather the courage, live vicariously through them , follow their love story of life on the road, get inspired by their amazing travel photolog, and share this amazing and courageous adventure with your friends and loved ones.  



Big Dog Station Wants Your Big Brains This & Every Wednesday


It’s Memorial Day Weekend!

It’s Memorial Day weekend and no, it’s not about mattress sales, your cook-out, your three day weekend or a good deal on a car.

It’s a time to celebrate the lives lost in battle, to honor what it means to serve and to pay homage to those who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy. So, for goodness sake, don’t be an A-hole and go around in a drunken slur saying “Happy Memorial Day”, it’s not exactly the happiest of days.  It’s somber, respectful, commemorative; a time to actually take a little pride in your country and give thanks that so many have cared enough about it to die for it.

Did you know that Memorial Day originated after the American Civil War, was originally known as Decoration Day and was started primarily by Freedmen who were formerly slaves, along with other black American families, northern missionaries and white Union soldiers to celebrate the soldiers, black and white, who valiantly fought for liberation and justice for all?  Look it up.

Since then, Memorial Day has been expanded to become a commemoration for all soldiers of all wars who have served in all the United States Armed Forces so, as you are stuffing your face with hot dogs and slamming beers on the beach, take a moment to think about how we got here and who made much of it possible.


Text Fail: Death is Funny


Music for a Happy Heart

“Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.”
~ Francois de la Rouchefoucauld


Road to Nowhere… or Everywhere!

“I can remember the day I saw her in the classifieds of TheSamba.com. I knew then and there with her Stellar blue paint job and tie-dyed curtains that she was meant for us.” ~ Mia

It was August 2011 when Jeremy and Mia took the plunge. Armed with $2900 and dreams they went to Tucson Arizona to buy the VW Westfalia that would be their home indefinitely. When they met her she was named Stella and she was Frankensteined to all hell and didn’t run, but they knew the investment would turn in their favor. Stella was in dire need of some tender loving care so they shipped her home to New Mexico. Months passed and they were living inside the shell of a home on the curb of the house of some friends.

After finally diagnosing all of our problems, tires, engine, turn signals, and so on and on, the mechanics at Rio Rancho Imports began working to bring the van back to life. After some time and about $10000 later Stella was reborn with a restored, rebuilt engine and on that 22nd of February 2012, was renamed Moya.

Meet Moya

After countless restructuring of the supplies inside Moya, Read the rest of this entry »


How To Speak Avenger


Frodo F’ing Hates Windshield Wipers


Modern Elegy

A river of tears freezes as they fall from my cheeks. You’re too occupied for me.

It was only yesterday that the sun shone bright for you. And now I hope this storm I brewed will reach you. To tell you how my heart is breaking with every second you’re gone.

You left me for what you desire even if you say what you desire is me. I just wish there was something I could do or say to bring you home, just short of dying. Because I think I am.

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